The Product That Has Broken Instagram

This week’s newsletter focuses on a popular and engaging car accessory that’s making waves on social media. We discuss its potential profitability and the growing trend of using viral content to drive ecommerce sales.

Hey everyone!

This week, I came across a super fun car accessory that I think you’re all going to find really interesting. It’s one of those products that can grab attention and spark a lot of conversations. I spotted it on an Instagram page called carmoody, and they’re doing an incredible job showcasing all sorts of cool car gadgets.

This particular product looks like a famous blue turtle character—yes, that one! It’s a water-spraying gadget that attaches to the back of your car and comes with a remote to control the water spray. It’s just hilarious and adorable.

Now, why am I so excited about this? Well, car accessories are always a hit, especially when they’re unique and playful. People love customizing their cars, whether it’s something functional or just a fun add-on that makes their vehicle stand out. This product definitely falls into the latter category.

Imagine driving down the street and seeing this little turtle spraying water—it’s bound to get some laughs and maybe even go viral. In fact, the video showcasing this gadget has already racked up 81 million views, 4.5 million likes and 15 thousands comments since it was posted on July 30th, so it’s still very fresh and definitely catching people’s attention!

Why you should Sell Car Accessories

Car enthusiasts are always on the lookout for new ways to personalize their rides. It’s a big market because cars are a significant part of our daily lives, and many people see them as an extension of their personality. That’s why car accessories can be such a lucrative niche. They offer a way for people to express themselves and make their vehicles unique. Whether it’s something practical, like a phone holder, or purely for fun, like this water-spraying turtle, there’s always a market for cool car gadgets.

This product is particularly appealing because it adds a playful element to a car. It’s not just a static decoration; it actually does something unexpected and funny. It’s these little surprises that can make a product go viral. People love sharing quirky things they find, and this turtle sprayer is the perfect example of something that could blow up on social media.

However, there’s a bit of a catch here. The turtle character is clearly inspired by the Pokemon franchise, and that brings up potential legal issues. When it comes to selling products that resemble well-known characters, you have to be careful about licensing. You might need permission to sell something like this, and without it, you could run into some legal trouble. So, while this product is super cool, it might be safer to find a similar item that doesn’t have any licensing restrictions.

Sourcing and Pricing

Now, let’s talk about where to get this product and how much it costs. I found a similar item on AliExpress for about $36, but if you’re looking to get a better deal, you might want to check out Alibaba. They often offer lower prices, especially if you’re buying in bulk. The shop where I found this gadget is selling it for anywhere from $70 to $160, depending on the specific features and packaging. That’s a pretty solid profit margin!

This price difference highlights a crucial aspect of ecommerce: sourcing and pricing strategy. Finding the right supplier can make a huge difference in your profit margins. And, of course, always consider the quality of the product. You want to make sure you’re selling something that meets your customers’ expectations.

The New Dropshipping Strategy

Something else that’s really exciting about this product is how it ties into the new way of dropshipping. Dropshipping isn’t just about finding a product and running ads anymore. It’s evolved into a much more content-driven strategy. Platforms like Instagram or TikTok are becoming essential tools for promoting products, especially unique ones like this. It’s all about creating content that resonates with people and can potentially go viral.

The carmoody page is a great example of how to do this right. They consistently post engaging content that appeals to car enthusiasts. This not only builds a community but also creates a ready-made audience for new products. It’s a much more organic way of marketing compared to traditional ads. Plus, it’s usually cheaper and can lead to more genuine engagement.

You must start your Instagram niche page

If you’re thinking about selling products like this, I can’t recommend enough the importance of building an Instagram page. Start by choosing a niche that you’re passionate about. It could be cars, tech gadgets, home decor, or anything else you find interesting. Then, start posting consistently and engaging with your followers. Over time, you’ll build a community that trusts you and is interested in what you have to offer.

Once you have a following, you can start testing products. Order a few items from Amazon or other online stores, try them out, and create content around them. Share your honest thoughts, make fun videos, and see what your followers think. This way, you’re not just pushing products; you’re creating valuable content that people want to see. And when a product does well, you can start sourcing it at a lower cost and sell it directly through your store.

Wrapping Up

I know we’ve been focusing on car products recently, like this water-spraying turtle and the last item we featured. But don’t worry, next week we’ll be switching it up with something completely different. It’s all about keeping things fresh and exciting. Stay tuned for what’s coming next, and as always, happy selling!

Talk to you soon,


P.S. By the way, what do you think of this new newsletter format? Let me know!