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Master Dropshipping Product Research: Your Ultimate Guide

How to Discover Profitable Products That Drive Sales and Keep Your Store Ahead of the Competition.

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Newsletter: Finding Winning Dropshipping Products – The Proven Strategy

Hey there!

Today, I’m going to break down everything you need to know about finding winning products that will set your dropshipping store up for success. As a product expert with years of experience and thousands of products reviewed on my YouTube channel, Sell This Now, I know what works and what doesn’t. I’ve seen trends repeat every year, spotted emerging patterns, and gained a big-picture view of the market.

And, like always, I’ll be sharing some of my latest winning product discoveries throughout the email.

This isn’t just theory—it’s proven strategies that will work in 2024. Ready to dive in? Let’s jump into it!

Why the Right Product Matters

New dropshippers often assume that with enough marketing, any product can be a winner. But that’s far from true. No matter how much effort you put into your store, if your product doesn’t resonate with customers, it won’t sell.

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The key is to find items with real potential—products that can go viral, solve real problems, and connect with what your target audience needs. When you choose the right product, it almost markets itself. You don’t have to convince people to buy; they’ll naturally want it.

The Product Criteria: What Makes a Winner?

Before diving into research, it’s important to know what makes a product stand out. First, it should have a strong “wow factor.” This means it’s unique, visually appealing, or offers something new that catches people’s attention quickly. But looking cool isn’t enough—it also needs to provide value or solve a problem, like a gadget that simplifies everyday tasks or a skincare product that addresses common concerns like acne. Products that make life easier or better will keep selling for the long run.

Profitability is another crucial factor. Ideally, you want a product with a 2-3x markup. If you buy it for $10, aim to sell it for $30 or more. This ensures that all your efforts are worth it financially. Steer clear of products that look or feel cheap because customers will hesitate to spend money on something that seems low-quality.

Getting Your Research Strategy Right

Now that we’ve established what makes a winning product, let’s move on to how to find them. The most effective strategy starts with research, and it’s crucial to use a platform where you can see what’s already working.

One great way to get started is by using TikTok Shop data. This platform provides valuable insights into products that are currently performing well in terms of Gross Merchandise Value (GMV). GMV shows how much revenue a product has generated over a specific period. By filtering products based on their GMV over the past 7 days, you can quickly identify items that are gaining traction.

As you scroll through these top-performing products, make sure to dig a little deeper. Check the consistency of the product’s sales over the past few weeks. A product that has been making $10,000 a day consistently is a good sign that it’s not just a one-hit-wonder. Conversely, avoid products that have seen a sharp decline in sales, as this could indicate that the trend is fading.

You should also consider niche-specific products. Items that cater to passionate communities—like anime fans or pet owners—are much easier to sell because they appeal to people’s hobbies and interests. If you’re scrolling through TikTok Shop data and notice a niche product steadily climbing the ranks, it’s worth looking into further.

Using Dummy Accounts to Streamline Research

Creating dummy accounts on TikTok and Instagram is a clever way to refine your product research. These are blank profiles that you can use solely for tracking dropshipping trends without affecting your personal feed. By following dropshipping stores, influencers, and hashtags, you can fill these accounts with the content you need to find potential winners.

Spend a few hours each day scrolling through your dummy accounts. You’ll quickly start to notice patterns—what products are repeatedly popping up, what kind of content gets the most engagement, and which items are catching people’s attention. This method ensures you’re always seeing the latest and most relevant products, cutting down your research time significantly.

When you come across a product that looks promising, don’t rush to test it immediately. Save the video, note down any links, and then dive deeper into its performance. Check the comments to see if people are genuinely interested in buying it or if it’s just garnering views without conversions.

Organizing Your Findings: The Power of a Product Research Sheet

A common mistake many dropshippers make is not staying organized with their product research. You might scroll for hours, find dozens of potential products, but if you’re not tracking them somewhere, it’s easy to forget or overlook gems.

Create a Google Spreadsheet or a simple document to keep track of all your findings. Whenever you see a product that catches your eye, add it to the sheet with relevant details such as the product name, link, estimated cost, and any additional notes you think are useful. This allows you to have a comprehensive overview of everything you’re considering and makes it easy to go back and do in-depth research later.

Here is how I organize the products that I found:

Once you’ve compiled a list of potential products, it’s time to analyze them. Look up the product on other platforms like AliExpress to get a sense of how many competitors are selling it. If a product has hundreds of sellers, it’s likely too saturated. You can also check out Amazon reviews to see if there are any quality issues that could pose a problem later on.

Avoiding Common Pitfalls: The “Dummy Engagement” Trap

One trap that dropshippers often fall into is mistaking viral engagement for sales potential. Just because a video has millions of views or thousands of comments doesn’t mean the product is converting into sales. You need to look at the nature of the engagement—is it full of comments from people wanting to buy, or are they just tagging friends and making jokes?

To get a better idea, consider checking the seller’s website if it’s linked, or even placing a small order to test the purchasing process. This step can help you filter out products that are viral for entertainment value but not profitable.

Keep Testing and Refining Your Strategy

The last piece of advice is to keep iterating. Finding a winning product isn’t always a one-time event. Sometimes you’ll test a few duds before finding a winner. That’s normal! What’s important is that you stay consistent and patient.

Even if a product doesn’t perform as expected, use the data you’ve gathered to understand why it didn’t work. Maybe it was the wrong audience, the wrong time, or a saturated niche. Use that feedback to refine your strategy and get closer to success.

Here is a quick summry for you to follow:

  1. Understand Winning Product Criteria: Choose products with a unique "wow factor" that solve real problems and have a 2-3x markup for profitability.

  2. Create Dummy Accounts: Set up separate TikTok and Instagram accounts to follow dropshipping stores and influencers to build a feed filled with potential products.

  3. Use Research Platforms: Leverage tools like TikTok Shop, AliExpress, and ZenDrop to find high-performing products and view GMV trends over the last 7-30 days.

  4. Analyze Product Performance: Check sales consistency, comments, and engagement to see if a product is gaining momentum or if it’s declining.

  5. Avoid Saturated Products: Steer clear of items that have been trending for too long or have too many sellers, as they are likely over-saturated.

  6. Organize Findings: Track potential products in a spreadsheet with details like name, link, cost, and competition level for easy comparison.

  7. Do Deep-Dive Research: After initial discovery, look for similar products on Amazon or other platforms, analyze competitors, and read customer reviews.

  8. Test and Refine: Keep testing products that meet your criteria, learn from failures, and refine your product selection strategy as you go.

That’s it for this week’s newsletter! Stay focused, stay strategic, and keep searching for that next big winner.

Until next time,

