How to Crush This Q4 Without Ads

All Hustle, No Excuses

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Q4 is finally here, and if you’re serious about making money, you already know this quarter is make-or-break. With the holiday rush around the corner, people are ready to shop, and you need to be ready to cash in. If you’ve been on the fence about whether Social Media Dropshipping can carry you through the biggest shopping season of the year—trust me, it can.

I’ve been there. My first Q4 was a mess because I wasn’t fully prepared, but each year I’ve learned more, and now it’s a gold mine if you know how to play the game. The key here is effort. You don’t need fancy ads or a huge budget to make this work. You just need to put in 3x the work you were doing before. Think of it this way: Q4 is like a race, and the ones who are willing to outwork everyone else win.

And to help you out, I’ll be sharing some of my latest trending product findings throughout this newsletter so you can stay ahead of the curve.

Let me break it down for you.

How to Prepare for Q4

If you haven’t already started prepping for Q4, don’t panic—but don’t wait any longer either. Here’s the checklist to get yourself organized:

1. Contact Your Suppliers: Make sure they’re ready for the holiday surge. You’ll want to be absolutely certain they can handle the increased volume of orders, or you’ll be facing serious delays, which leads to angry customers and bad reviews and chargebacks. This is the last thing you want, ok? So get on top of this now.

2. Automate What You Can: This is not the time to be doing everything manually. Batch your social media content. Set up automated responses for customer service questions. The less time you spend on routine tasks, the more time you have to focus on driving sales. (That basically means: get your VAs on top)

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3. Bring Back Old Winners: A lot of people think they need brand new products for Q4, but here’s a secret: products that worked last year or even the year before can make a comeback during the holidays. Giftable items, stocking stuffers, and gag gifts are huge. If something did well last year, bring it back and test it again—it might pop off even bigger this time around.

4. Test More Products: This is a numbers game. The more products you test, the better your chances of finding a winner. If you’ve been testing a couple of products a month, bump that up to 10 or 15. Don’t be afraid to go big this season. The goal is “going viral” as soon as possible. So, the more input you give, the more output you will get.

Scaling with Viral Dropshipping

Now, let’s talk about the Viral Dropshipping approach. The game is all about social media, and Q4 is where you can dominate without spending a cent on ads. You just need to be smart about how you use platforms like TikTok, Instagram, and even Facebook. Here's how to do it:

1. Leverage Creators to Do the Heavy Lifting 

One of the best moves I’ve seen is getting small creators to promote your products. You don’t have to do all the content creation yourself. Think about this: creators who aren’t making a lot of money right now might be looking for opportunities. Find them, coach them, and have them create content for your products. It’s a win-win. You get more content, and they get experience plus a cut of the profits.

What’s great about this is it frees up your time to focus on testing more products and strategizing, rather than making content all day long.

2. The Power of Viral Hooks 

You’ve probably seen it a million times: TikToks that start with “The Perfect Christmas Gift” or “Stocking Stuffer Ideas.” These kinds of hooks are insanely effective during Q4 because they hit people at exactly the right time when they’re looking for gift ideas. Use this to your advantage. Keep your content simple, but make sure you’re leveraging these types of hooks that align with the season.

3. Post Everywhere – Don’t Rely on Just One Platform 

This is where the hustle comes in. It’s not enough to post on TikTok once a day and call it good. You need to be reposting that same content across multiple platforms—Instagram, YouTube Shorts, Facebook. Each platform gives you a chance to go viral, and in Q4, more eyes on your content means more sales. Don’t get lazy here. The more you post, the higher your chances of catching fire.

Mistakes to Avoid

I’ve made enough mistakes during Q4 to fill a book, but let me save you from a few that can cost you big:

1. Not Testing Early Enough: If you wait until mid-November to start testing products, you’re already too late. The testing phase should be happening now so that by the time Black Friday and Cyber Monday hit, you know exactly which products are winners and are ready to scale them.

2. Burning Out by Doing Everything Yourself: I can’t emphasize this enough—hire creators to help with content. You don’t have to film every TikTok or Instagram post yourself. By outsourcing this to capable creators, you free up time to handle the more important stuff, like monitoring sales and managing customer service.

3. Failing to Keep Up with Trends: Q4 moves fast, especially on social media. If you see a trend popping off, don’t wait a week to jump on it. Timing is everything. Trends can skyrocket your product visibility overnight. Keep an eye on what’s trending and make sure your content stays fresh.

4. Neglecting the Other Platforms: One of the biggest mistakes during Q4 is ignoring platforms beyond TikTok. Facebook is a goldmine, especially with its older audience that has more spending power. During the holidays, this group is actively searching for gifts, making it a prime spot for conversions. Don’t miss out by only focusing on TikTok—use Facebook to tap into this lucrative demographic. BE EVERYWHERE.

The Secret to Winning Q4

Now, this is where it all comes together. Q4 is about working harder and smarter. You’ve heard people talk about 10x-ing your effort, and it’s true. The top dropshippers aren’t changing their strategy—they’re just increasing their output. More products, more content, more platforms. It’s that simple.

And let me give you a final piece of advice: don’t panic. Yes, it’s busy, yes, it can feel overwhelming, but if you keep your head down and focus on the work, you’ll see results. Every successful Q4 I’ve had came down to one thing: consistency. Don’t overthink it, just stay consistent and keep pushing.

This is your moment. Q4 is where the money is made, and the best part? You can do it all without paying for ads. This is the beauty of Viral Dropshipping—you’re leveraging platforms and content to drive traffic for free.

Let me know if you’re ready to get serious this Q4 and let’s crush it together.

Stay sharp,

